(1st, 2nd, and 3rd from left) Nic Hess, Automatic Crash Response. Mixed-media tape drawing installation, 2009 (4th from left) Environmental design outside Billy Wilder Theater (5th from left) View of an adjacent building from the courtyard of the Hammer
Swiss artist Nic Hess is known for his inventive wall works composed almost entirely of masking tape. Mixing drawing, bright colors and icons from a variety of sources, Hess makes us reevaluate our understanding of familiar signs in consumer culture. In his elaborate compositions he draws new connections and weaves a loose narrative of worlds colliding and visions exploding. (Read more from Robert Summers essay here)
I created this blog to have a collection of art and design that inspires me so that I may better understand the commonalities I am drawn to as a designer. The word retained, in short, means to hold on to physically or mentally, and through this blog I hope to do both.
I Like...
oceans, songs referring to transportation (especially airplanes & trains), sugar, conceptualization, interpretation, friendly animals, photomontage, line quality, coffee, scarves, looking out windows, big noses, dancing, watches, vacuuming, cheese, cheesecake, baking cheesecakes, sunshine, colors & textures (all of them), markers, old paper, snapshots, herbs on pizza, shiny shoes, well oiled machines, sad movies, whistling while I work, peace making, crooked teeth, free thinking, and mixed media
music under the stars
Immerse yourself in a symphony of nature's own making as music under the
stars fills the night with enchanting melodies. Let the celestial sounds
guide y...
Ryan Gosling Hates the Avatar Logo
With 20th Century Studios announcing the upcoming Avatar sequel, titled:
Avatar: The Way of Water, it is important to take note of the new Avatar
logo and ...
2017 Brand New Conference Program
For a full explanation of where the identity behind the program come from,
you can read this post on Brand New. The key concept behind it was
replicating t...
Bats of the Republic
Bats of the Republic
Author/Designer/Illustrator Zach Dodson
Publisher: Doubleday
Typefaces: "The main fonts used are Fontin Sans and Sentinel, but there are...
Goodbye The FontFeed, Hello FontShop News
[image: FontShop-editorial-team]
You might have noticed from the lack of activity that The FontFeed has
stopped publishing. I have moved over to join my wri...
Humble Heather
*Early 19th century hand-coloured *
*engravings of heath flowers*
The vast majority of the 860+ species in the genus Erica (heaths/heather)
are endemic t...
New Home
Hi, not sure who visits this dusty old blog anymore, but I am moving homes.
I'm trying to focus my blogging energies as a YA author now, so you will
see al...
We Moved!!!
Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site!
If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either cakewrecks.com or
TheSartorialist.com RSS Feed
Hi guys,
Thanks so much for the feedback. It’s been great seeing the response and
really hearing about how people use the site.
One thing we’ve been getti...
And That, As They Say, Is That
After almost 5 years and 1,112 posts, I've decided to put The BDR on
indefinite hiatus.
It's been a great ride. I've enjoyed almost every minute of it. But...